Yessss… I went to film school. Though I’ve mostly worked in audio I still enjoy shooting & editing on occasion. These are some various bits I’ve done here and there for various folks!
Shot this video in NYC a number of years back with the extremely talentedJonathan Slyker (hire him!)
Some IG promos I made for Cambridge Spirit in Kendall Square. The star of the show here is obviously Liz, but I conceptualized, wrote, shot and edited most of these fun little vids. I think they’re rad considering each one was made id under an hour and shot on an old iPhone!
Shot & Edited a number of spots for Blauer years back. I still dig how this one came out.
I worked for a while as the beer manager at this cool little upscale store in Cambridge, where I created our social media presence and created a bunch of fun little promos… like these! Considering these were all shot on an old iPhone, I’m happy with how they came out.
Helped a friend make this video for Boston College’s Eagle Path program. I did the shooting/editing/mix.
This was my final film while at NYU. Shot on 16mm. Awesome cinematography by Jeremy Saulnier (Green Room, True Detective). Based on my own experiences as a paper boy. Very early use of Pro Tools for Sound Design as well.
This was part of a series of shorts made during my Soup 2 Nuts Days. The original concept for the series was mine then brought to life by an array of talented folks. I vaguely recall writing this one while knocking back High Lifes at Charlie’s Kitchen. It features the voice talents of Todd Barry, Larry Murphy and Chelsea Peretti. I don’t remember everyone who worked on it on the animation side but I’m pretty sure Mike Annear was a big part of it and added that awesome David Hasselhoff site gag. I’ve always liked my sound design in this one as well.
Shot/edited this weird little music video for Summer Villains. Watch out for the Thief Cat!
I really wish I’d known how to develop this into a full fledge show. As I recall the animation was handled totally by Mike Annear and Dan Flynn (someone correct me if I’m wrong!). The voices are some of my best mates: Michelle Stockman, John Skrzypek and Greg Zeichner (and me!) Pretty sure I wrote this but there could’ve been a ton of suggestions made by others that I’m failing to recall. I think the little theme song is rad too!